Gohoojin, Gohōjin 護法神 Protector deities
The idea of KAMI as Gohōjin 護法神 (guardian deities of the Buddhist doctrine) was a common element in the Heian period. This Shintō-Buddhist syncretism was actually formalized and pursued based on a theory called Honji Suijaku 本地垂迹, with the Buddhist deities regarded as the honji (original manifestation) and the Shintō kami as their suijaku (incarnations). Another similar term denoting the association between Buddha and Kami is
Shinbutsu Shūgō 神仏習合.
source : Mark Schumacher
Gohoozenjin 護法善神 Good Deities of Protection
They belong to the group of the
TENBU 天部 Deva, Divine Beings, Celestial Beings
Jp. = Tenbu 天部, Sanskrit = Deva Group. Like most deities in Japan's Buddhist pantheon, the Tenbu originated from Hindu mythology. But once these Hindu gods were incorporated into Buddhism, they became protectors of Buddhist Law (Dharma in Sanskrit) and given both Buddhist and Shintō attributes. In most Japanese traditions, the Tenbu are Hindu deities who became protectors of Buddhism after learning the teachings of the Historical Buddha.
source : Mark Schumacher
Enku carved quite a few of these protector deities.

source : masaok15.exblog.jp

source : reiji-ryoukan.com
toomaru otsu gohoojin 乙丸乙護法神
other deities on this page
菩薩 , 善財童子, 金剛童子, 柿本人麻呂
円空自刻像 Enku himself
. Arako Kannon 荒子観音 .
Nagoya, Aichi 愛知県名古屋市中川区荒子町

source : shigeru.kommy.com
The original is in Chuusanji, Ise
中山寺(ちゅうさんじ) 号神護峯中山寺
. Enku - Exhibitions - INFO .
. Enku - Museums - INFO .
. Enku - Temples - INFO .
. Buddha Statues and Japanese Deities .