Exhibition Tokyo National Museum
January 12 - April 7, 2013

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Enku's Buddhas: Sculptures from Senkoji Temple and the Hida Region
January 12, 2013 (Sat) - April 7, 2013 (Sun)
Enku (1632-95) was a Buddhist monk and sculptor who is said to have carved 120,000 Buddhist statues in his lifetime while making pilgrimages to sacred mountains all over Japan. Using wood from forests in the places he visited, Enku readily created Buddhist statues. Many of his statues are unpainted and clearly show knots in the wood as well as places where the wood was chopped or chiseled. Conveying the wood’s vitality, Enku’s unostentatious statues of Buddha were favored by villagers from the Edo period (1603-1868) onward, and even today they attract many admirers.
This exhibition introduces 100 Enku’s statues from Takayama City in Gifu prefecture, with a focus on 61Enku's statues from Senkouji temple, including the Seated Ryomen Sukuna, a prized statue of a two-faced deity. There are also statues with the inscribed names of mountains Enku climbed, including Mount Hotaka and Mount Norikura. Standing like trees in the exhibition room, Enku’s statues evoke the atmosphere of Hida’s forests.

Standing Fudo Myo'o (Acala) 不動明王

Shinto deity Ugajin 宇賀神
- - - - - With photos of
Standing Fudo Myo'o (Acala) with two child attendants
Seated Aizen Myo'o (Ragaraja)
Standing Kangiten (Ganesha) with shrine
Seated arhat Binzuru (Pindola)
Seated Kakinomoto no Hitomaro
Standing Karura (Garuda, also Karasu Tengu)
One of the Eight Great Dragon Kings
Standing Kongo Rikishi (Ungyo of Nio pair)
Standing Thirty-three Kannon (Avalokitesvara)
Standing Thousand-armed Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara)
Standing Dragon Head Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara)
Standing Sho-Kannon Bosatsu (Avalokitesvara)
Seated Nyoirin Kannon Bosatsu (Cintamanicakra)

Seated Ryomen Sukuna 両面宿儺坐像
source : www.tnm.jp english
Seeing the wood for Enku’s Buddhas
by Rhiannon Paget
. Tokyo Exhibition .
飛騨の円空 - 千光寺とその周辺の足跡
各地の霊山を巡り、生涯で12万体の仏像を彫ったという円空(1632-95)。円空は訪れた土地の山林の木を素材にして、あまり手数を掛けずに仏像を造りました。表面には何も塗らず、木を割った時の切断面、節(ふし)や鑿跡(のみあと)がそのまま見える像が多くあります。木の生命力を感じさせ、素朴で優しい円空の仏は江戸時代以来村人に親しまれ、今も多くの人の心をひきつけます。この展覧会では、「両面宿儺坐像(りょうめんすくなざぞう)」など、岐阜・千光寺(せんこうじ)所蔵の円空仏61体を中心に岐阜県高山市所在の100体を展示します。穂高岳、乗鞍岳など円空が登った山の名前を書いた像もあります。 林立する飛騨の円空仏。展示室に飛騨の森の空気が満ちることでしょう。
source : www.tnm.jp/modules

source : rongo-rongo.blog.so-net.ne.
Ryoomen Sukuna 両面宿儺 Sukuna with two faces .
Uga Benzaiten, a deity of good fortune and wealth.
Uga no Mitama 宇迦之御魂神
. Ugajin 宇賀神 and Benten .
. Enku Exhibitions - INFO .
. Buddha Statues and Japanese Deities .